中英雙語:來自媽媽的愛 From mom, with love
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Recently, we challenged readers to write letters to their children, telling them about their hopes, dreams, fears and joys. Here are five touching letters that inspire hope and reflection for us on Mother’s Day. These women — who share their love, pain and pride — remind us what a wonderful gift it is to be a mother.

A mother’s wish

I wish that I had spent more time playing with you and your toys than trying to clean them up.

I wish that when you hugged me I was not the first one to let go.

I wish I had gotten up early with you when you were younger.

I wish that I had spent more time listening and not judging.

I wish I had stopped trying to fight all your battles and just asked you what you wanted me to do.

I wish I had watched the movie when you asked instead of saying it is too late.

I wish I had told you more about myself.

I wish you had told me more about yourself.

I wish I knew what your friends knew, when you were alive.

I wish I had listened.

I wish I had talked less and

listened more.

I wish I had respected your


I wish you could have known when you were alive how many people loved you.

I wish I realized how much you meant to others so that we could have shared that together.

I wish that when you wanted to do something I had just done it.

I wish I could have told your children stories about you.

I wish you could have shared stories with your children.

I wish that you could have grown old with your brother Matt and talked about your parents


I wish I could just hold you one more time.

I wish I had stopped when you asked and just let you be.

I wish you could have found some peace.

I wish that you can visit all the places that you planned.

I wish I could feel your little hand in mine once more.

I wish I could have enjoyed your photography with you and had it on my walls when you were alive.

I wish we could have spent more time in nature, as we both loved it.

I wish that you are happy, peaceful and causing some type of mischief somewhere.

I love you.

Most parents have nine months to prepare for

a baby. Plenty of time to buy a crib, compare infant car seats, find a

cute outfit or two.

Deirdre and James Pye had five days.

They had been married seven years, learned they could not have biological children, and put their names on a wait list for adoption in 1979.

Then they waited. And waited. Would it ever happen? The standing joke was that they should have signed up to adopt the day they were born.

The phone call that would change their lives finally came May 31, 1984. On June 5, they met baby Kathleen.

Having prepared mentally for the possibility for years, suddenly there was much to do logistically to prepare for their only daughter.

James Pye was even the first man at his company to have a baby shower thrown for him.

“I wrote so many-thank you notes, I had writer’s cramp,” recalled Deirdre Pye. “It was just wonderful.”

“(Adoption ) can enrich your life in ways you never ever ever expected.”

To my darling daughter:

You were my biggest challenge as now you are my greatest joy. Adopting you changed my life and your father’s life forever and for the better. When I stop to think back, I often wonder what life would have been like without you. Dull and boring, I suspect. You have brought us untold joy, as well as tears, worry and pride. All these are things I cherish about you.

What would life be without a daily laugh or a weekly crisis? Dull and boring, I know!

What I really cherish is your love for us. You are 25 but you still like coming home. True, you bring everything with you. You take over the kitchen table, the bathroom and my credit card. On the other hand, we share tea, lunch out, Coronation Street and Scrabble. Who can beat that?!

You, my darling daughter, changed the direction of our lives. You changed our focus for the better. We became parents, we became better people. Our horizons expanded and contracted all at the same time. We were praised by some people while others backed away. Who needs negative people in their lives? Since adopting you, there have been moments of heart-stopping joy and heart-stopping moments. That’s life — never dull or boring.

You are now an adult, on your own, and going along your own path. You are on your way to a great future. Along the way, we’ve been as supportive as we could be of your choices and decisions. So far most of them have worked out on the plus side.

Yes, your adoption was a big challenge. Our greatest reward has been that you turned out to be the sort of daughter who has filled our hearts with love and pride.

Biologically, you do not share our DNA, but you do share our unconditional love.

You have always been an integral ingredient in our hearts, minds and souls. I love you, my darling daughter, more than words can say.

All my love forever,


P.S. This letter would have been longer but tears got in the way!

Karen Filice makes you want to call your mom.

The 52-year-old Stoney Creek real estate agent lost her mother when she was 22, before she experienced motherhood herself.

“I’ve been without her now more than I’ve been with her.” She hears people complain about their mothers being around too much. Complaining, when their mothers are alive and a phone call away.

“You idiots,” she thinks to herself. “You have no clue how lucky you are.”

She did her best as a young mom raising her three boys, Christopher, Matthew and James, now 27, 26 and 25. But it was hard not having her mom there. She couldn’t look at a picture of her without crying.

The letter, which her sons will read for the first time today, was something she thought about writing for a long time. She wanted to explain why she parented the way she did.

“I feel like I abandoned my kids too early. I know I didn’t (mean to) do it that way. Writing that letter, I hope that they understand that I love them.”

To my darling children:

I lost my mom young and missed her terribly. When you, my first, were born, I had to turn over all the pictures I had of her because to see her made me cry and miss her more.

I love you all so much, but was so afraid of leaving you when you were young, that I distanced myself from you to make you tough — so that if I died young, you would not be as devastated as I was.

How stupid could I have been? You all know how much I love you — I have never held back telling you. I gave you a brain to think with, let you answer all your questions on your own, made you stand on your own two feet, but if I could do it again, I wouldn’t have separated myself from you when you were in your teens. I would have been there even more if I could do it again.

To my first, you were and are my sunshine and joy. You had the brunt of my being a new mom, trying to be perfect and learning with you along the way. You are the rebel, the one who has to do everything yesterday. You are strong and awesome in my eyes. You have determination and are not afraid to go after what you want. My advice to you with your girls — remember that the oldest is still young; let her be a little girl. I wish I hadn’t expected so much of you.

To my second, you were my bear. I was so afraid of miscarrying you that until you were born I did not want to think of you for fear of losing you. I fell in love with you when you were born. You were and are my quiet one, always observing and going about doing things your own way. I cannot believe how you have worked, developed a relationship, and graduated from college all on your own ticket! Your quiet regard, your thoughtfulness, and your hugs are precious to me.

To my third — the imp who had to do everything that the others did without fear even though you were two years younger, your smiles mean the world to me. You were and are fearless. On your own, you worked your way through university, graduated, and have a full-time job — debt free! You are active, snowboard, skateboard, travel, maintain a relationship, and you are my keeper, always checking up to make sure I am OK.

Boys — I think you know how much I love you. Sometimes it hurts to look at you — I love you so much. I am so proud of you all.

Love, your mom.

The angel never leaves her. It hangs around her neck, doesn’t comes off. Sealed inside Laurie Northrup’s gold angel charm are the ashes of her only son, Logan.

“It gives me comfort and peace,” she said. “If I get upset or something, sometimes I’ll just hold it. It’s like holding my son still, close to my heart.”

Logan Whittle, a boy she describes as a little gem, died Aug. 15, 2006, of complications from cerebral palsy. He was almost 10.

She cares for other people’s children now, working at a Hamilton day care since Logan’s death. “I’m not there for the money. I’m there for the love of the children. They fill my heart.”

On most Sundays, she and her husband also offer respite care for Patrick, a 14-year-old boy who has autism and cerebral palsy. “He’s like a son,” she said.

Living with Logan, and now caring for Patrick, has taught her an important life lesson. “Quality of life is what you make it, not what you’re given.”

Kissed by an angel

When a child is born into this world they are placed in the arms of their parents to be welcomed and begin bonding.

This is their birthday.

Logan, your life began with a fight for life and you won, after 20 minutes without a heartbeat!

My life changed forever when you were diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and you had to depend on me for everyday survival.

As you began to grow and develop, you left a trail of memories and challenges that made me laugh and cry.

Despite your limitations, you thought you were perfect, and to me and everyone else who knew you, you were.

Eyes that shone, big and round, the colour of a sunflower.

Your mischievous smile and how your belly rolled with laughter, or that quivering lip when you cried that always got you what you wanted and more.

As your learning became more intense you took me into your world to teach me how to understand your thoughts, your ways of loving and learning unconditionally.

You became my inspiration, made me whole, my life was complete by having you in it.

Just before your tenth birthday you were found face down, no signs of life and no heartbeat.

At that moment you took a part of me with you.

The pain I thought would never go away, the guilt, relief and exhaustion were feelings I didn’t understand at the moment, but I knew you were in a better place.

Since that day, many nights I awake with a chill and a wet smudge on my cheek.

I know I was kissed by an angel, my son Logan.

You’re just a breath away, your short time on earth made it a better place.

October 26th, 1996, to August 15th, 2006.

You are in my heart forever, little man.

Love and kisses,


A daughter, with her growing belly, watched her mother being wheeled into surgery. “Not now mom … Hang on.”

A daughter-in-law, also pregnant, prayed for her survival too. “You can’t go anywhere.”

Karen Bettencourt remembers her oncologist laughing about the double family pregnancies. “I can see where you get your strength from.”

Yes, the hope of watching grandkids grow is a lot to live for.

It’s been five years since 61-year-old Bettencourt had her stomach removed to stop the spread of carcinoid tumours.

The Hamilton mother of four, grandmother of 10, is also battling non-Hodgkin lymphoma, another cancer that begins in the cells of the immune system. Her doctor recently told her the cancer had spread to the liver and pancreas. Bettencourt tried to crack a joke to lighten the mood.

“I tell you this and you’re still laughing,” the doctor replied. “Or at least you’re trying.”

“What do you do, y’know?” said Bettencourt. She pauses, then answers herself. “You fight.”

My dearest children and grandchildren,

I want to thank each of you for being the amazing, loving children you are.

I see how wonderfully you have grown into responsible, successful and warm-hearted people and I thank God for the opportunity to have spent time with each of you.

You have made me feel that my life has been worthwhile and fulfilling.

We never know what life is going to bring us, and I have been given the challenge of fighting cancer, but you all know how stubborn I am.

Time is never long enough and I am fighting for as much as I can have.

I can never get enough of each of you and I discover something more amazing about each of you every time we visit.

Life has been a real journey raising all four of you and now enjoying my 10 grandchildren, each one is so different and special in their own way.

I am finding it very hard to allow myself to think about leaving you and not being there for all your triumphs and ups and downs of life.

I want to be there to attend the graduations of my grandchildren and their weddings and babies.

I want you all to know that I am fighting as hard as I can and I value every new day with all of you.

Please remember if I miss a game or a new accomplishment that I would have chosen to be there if I could.

Always remember I love all of you more than the stars and more than you will ever know.

And remember, if you are ever given the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.

Love always,



































大多數(shù)家長都九個(gè)月的時(shí)間來為一個(gè)嬰兒做準(zhǔn)備 。


而Deirdre 和James 卻只有五天的時(shí)間。



終于,在1984年5月31日,一個(gè)電話改變了他們的生活。 6月5日,他們見到了嬰兒Kathleen。


James Pye甚至是他公司第一位有嬰兒的人。

Deirdre Pye后來回憶說“我寫了很多--謝謝你--的小紙條,寫得手都發(fā)顫, 真是太美妙了。 ”

“ (領(lǐng)養(yǎng))會(huì)以你意想不到的方式豐富你的生活 ”




我真正愛視的是你對(duì)我們的愛。你已經(jīng)25歲了 ,但仍然喜歡回家。真的,你帶來了一切。接管餐桌,清理浴室和檢查我的信用卡。此外,我們共享午茶,外出就餐,逛街購物。如此幸福有誰能比?





生理上,你沒有分享我們的DNA ,但你分享了我們無條件的愛。






52歲的房地產(chǎn)經(jīng)紀(jì)人Stoney Creek,在22歲的時(shí)候失去了母親,那是在她自己成為母親之前。

"煩死了,我到情愿沒有母親" 當(dāng)她聽到人們抱怨自己的母親如何干涉太多,或者當(dāng)他們打電話給母親時(shí)總聽她沒完沒了的抱怨。 她會(huì)說“你真是個(gè)大傻瓜,你不知道自己有多幸運(yùn)!”

像所有年輕的媽媽,她盡全力撫養(yǎng)她的三個(gè)兒子,Christopher, Matthew and James,現(xiàn)在分別是27 , 26和25 。但由于沒有媽媽在身邊,這對(duì)她來說是一段相當(dāng)困難的日子,以至于她一看見母親的照片就要哭泣。

她很長一段時(shí)間來一直想寫這封信,想解釋為什么當(dāng)初,她要那么嚴(yán)厲的對(duì)待孩子。 她的兒子們也將在今天第一次讀到。

“我覺得我放手太早了。但我內(nèi)心并沒有(想)這樣做。所以寫了這封信,希望他們能明白我愛他們。 “



















天使從來沒離開過Laurie Northrup,它一直掛她的脖子上。


“如果我生氣或遇其他不高興的事, ”她說。 “只要握住它,就會(huì)讓我感到舒服和寧靜。就像我仍然握住我的兒子,在靠近

我心的地方。 “

Logan Whittle,一個(gè)小寶石樣的男孩,8月15日,2006年,在他近10歲時(shí),死于腦癱并發(fā)癥。

自從Logan去世后,Laurie更關(guān)心別的孩子,她現(xiàn)在在漢密爾頓做日托工作 “我在那兒不是為了錢,我愛那些孩子。他們填補(bǔ)了我的心。 “

大多數(shù)的周日,她和她的丈夫會(huì)對(duì)Patrick提供間隙照顧, Patrick是個(gè)14歲患有孤獨(dú)癥和腦癱的男孩。 “他就像我的兒子, ”她說。

和Logan在一起,現(xiàn)在照顧Patrick的經(jīng)歷,告訴她一個(gè)生命的重要啟示。 “有質(zhì)量的生命是看你做了什么,而不是擁有什





洛根,你的生命開始于一場你自己的生命之戰(zhàn),在出生 20分鐘還沒有心跳之后!



















一個(gè)女兒,她的肚子越來越大,看著她的母親被推向手術(shù)。 “不要現(xiàn)在,媽媽...千萬挺住。 ”

一個(gè)同樣懷孕的媳婦,也在祈求她的平安。 “你可哪都不能去啊。 ”

Karen Bettencourt清楚記得她身患癌癥面對(duì)雙喜臨門時(shí)的笑聲。 “我知道你從哪里來的力量。 ”



這位漢密爾頓有著4個(gè)孩子,10個(gè)孫兒的母親, ,也是非霍奇金淋巴瘤(-non-Hodgkin lymphoma)的抗?fàn)幷?,但另一種癌

癥細(xì)胞已開始入侵了免疫系統(tǒng)。她的醫(yī)生最近告訴她,癌癥已經(jīng)擴(kuò)散到了肝臟和胰腺。 Bettencourt試圖開玩笑減輕情


“我告訴您這點(diǎn),而您仍然說笑, ”醫(yī)生回答。 “ 或者,至少您是在試著說笑。 ”

“您知道您能做什么嗎? ”Bettencourt說 。她暫片刻,然后自己回答道。 “戰(zhàn)斗。 ”



















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