Airport lounges 機場休息室
Airports shuttle 機場班車
Arrivals 進港
Assistance 問訊處
Check in area (zone) 辦理登機區(qū)
Customers lounges 旅客休息室
Departure airport 離港時間
Departure times on reverse 返航時間
Departures 出港
Destination airport 到達機場
Domestic flights. 國內(nèi)航班
Emergency exit 安全出口
Exit to all routes 各通道出口
Flight connections 轉(zhuǎn)機處
Help point (desk) 問訊處
Inquiries 問訊處
Left baggage 行李寄存
Lost property 失物招領
Luggage from flights 到港行李
Luggage pick up 取行李
Luggage reclaim 取行李
Missing people help line 走失求救熱線
Missing, police appeal for assistance 警察提供走失幫助。
No smoking except in designated area 除指定區(qū)域外,禁止吸煙。
Nothing (something) to declare 無(有)報關(guān)
Passport control 入境檢驗
Please leave your luggage with you at all times 請隨身攜帶你的行李。
Queue here 在此排隊
Reclaim belt 取行李傳送帶
Reserved seating 預定的座位
Return fares 往返票價
Short stay 短暫停留
Stay close 跟緊
Welcome aboard 歡迎登機