A highly self-motivated individual is sought for a postdoctoral position at the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute. A Ph.D. degree in mechanical/aerospace engineering or a related discipline is required. The areas of interest include computational spray combustion, turbulent combustion, multiphase flows and surrogate fuels. Applicants shall have a strong background in computational modeling and numerical solution techniques in fluid dynamics and combustion. Knowledge of High Performance Parallel computing and the C++ programming language would be highly desirable. Initial appointment is for 12 months and will be extended over 2 years contingent on satisfactory performance. The annual salary will be in the range 180-200 k RMB/year depending on qualifications. Position is available immediately, but applications will be accepted until a candidate is appointed. To ensure a full consideration, please send a letter of application, a full resume, a one-page statement of research interests and long-term goals, in English; and names and contact addresses of two references to Dr. C. P. Chen (chienpin.chen@sjtu.edu.cn).