L: Michael,這音樂會真不錯,就是太長了。我啊快要餓死了!快去找個地方吃東西吧!
M: Alright. There’s a cafe on the corner over there, I think it’s open 24-7.
L: 對,前面就有家咖啡館。你說那個cafe 24-7, 24-7是什么意思呀?
M: I said it’s open 24-7. You know the number 24, and seven, right? 24-7 means it is open all the time.
L: 我知道了!就是說一天二十四小時,一個星期七天它都開門。對不對?
M: You’ve got it! In the U.S. a lot of small diners, convenience stores and gas stations are open 24-7.
L: 對,我看到一些小飯館,還有一些雜貨店還有加油站,他們都是二十四小時營業(yè)的。Michael, 那24-7是不是只能用在商店哪?
M: Not at all! It can be used for anything. For instance, Li Hua, if you ever have an emergency, you can call me any time, 24-7.
L: 噢,24-7可以用在任何場合。你說要是我遇到緊急情況,可以在任何時候打電話給你。Michael, 你真是太好了。不過,我想我可能會先打911。
M: Yeah, that’s probably a better idea. 911 operates 24-7. Li Hua, can you use this phrase now?
L: 讓我想想。有了。期終考試前,我肯定很多人為了準備考試,交報告晚上開夜車,所以可以說:Many students worked 24-7 before the finals. 對不對?
M: You’re right. I was also up 24-7 studying and writing before the finals.
L: 那最后一個禮拜真夠嗆。現(xiàn)在總算輕松了。
M: That’s right! Woo Hoo! Hey, after we eat, let’s go dancing somewhere.
L: Michael,你還沒有玩夠呀!
M: Now that we are on vacation, I’m ready to party 24-7!