Todd: OK, Yoko!
Yoko: Yeah!
Todd: We're going to talk about your trip to America.
Yoko: Trip to America. OK.
Todd: OK. When did you go to the U.S.?
Yoko: It's about 4 years ago.
Todd: And what did you do?
Yoko: Actually, I went to Michigan and I worked as a volunteer teacher in public school.
Todd: OK. What was the public school like?
Yoko: It was not big, and so.. it was not big. I don't know how to say that, so what should I say...
Todd: It was just a small school?
Yoko: Yeah. Small school. So only maybe 200 students I think.
Todd: Oh, really!
Yoko: Yeah, it was really small.
Todd: Wow, that is small.
Yoko: Yeah, yeah.
Todd: Did you know all the students?
Yoko: I don't think so. I just visited some classes. Yes.
Todd: So what did you think of America?
Yoko: I think it is a great country for many people who want to try new things.
Todd: OK
Yoko: You know, so for example I did not have any special skills to teach, but they let me to work there as a volunteer, and they gave me a great opportunity to meet a lot of students, who are really nice I think.
Todd: Ah, OK. I agree. What were your students like?
Yoko: They were really motivated to learn Japanese, but they didn't learn a lot. They just, they just wanted to play with me, from other countries. Who is from, sorry!
Todd: OK. Do you have any special memories from your trip?
Yoko: Yes, I visited lots of places by myself and I was really afraid of speaking English to people there but they tried to understand me, and they helped me a lot and I really think OK, they are lots of people who are nice all over the world.
Todd: OK. Well, thanks for sharing your story.
Yoko: Good. Thank you.