來源:易賢網(wǎng) 閱讀:1700 次 日期:2016-08-13 08:33:35


1.put down放下shut down把…關上cut down砍掉

come down下來、落下slow down減緩、放慢sit down坐下

write down寫下get down下來,降落

2.after all畢竟.終究after that于是.然后day after day日復一日地

one after another相繼.挨次soon after不久以后the day after tomorrow后天

3.come up with找到、提出catch up with趕上wake up弄醒、醒來

send up發(fā)射open up開設、開辦grow up長大

pick up拾起、撿起hands up舉手eat up吃光

clean up打掃干凈give up doing sth.=stop doing sth.放棄做某事

4.arrive at/in+n.到達get to+n.到達reach+n.到達arrive/get+adv.到達

5.get…back退還,送回去.取回give back歸還come back回來

at the back of在…的后面on the way(back)home在回家路上

6.at least至少at breakfast早餐時at desk在桌前at once立刻,馬上at school在上學at the same time同時at work在工作588.es

be good at=do well in善長laugh at嘲笑not…at all一點也不at first起初

at night在晚上at noon中午at the age of//when sb.was…years old在…歲時at last/in the end/finally最后、終于at the beginning of the twenty-first century在21世紀初

at the end of在…終點、結尾at the moment/now現(xiàn)在at the foot of在…腳下at Christmas在圣誕節(jié)at any moment任何時候at times(sometimes)有時,偶爾at the doctor’s在醫(yī)務室be bad at不善長

7.for example例如for ever永遠be good for對…有益be bad for對…有害for long=for a long time長期for short簡稱be short for是…的簡稱

TV is short for“television”

8.come true實現(xiàn)come down下來come from=be from來自,出生于

come in/into進入,進來come on趕快come over過來come along走吧,過來,快點come and go來來去去come up上來come out出來,(花)開,(照片)沖洗出來

9.even though=even if即使、雖然、盡管

10.be pleased with對…感到滿意be covered with被…覆蓋

be expected to do sth.被期望做某事be proud of以…自豪

speak highly of稱贊be afraid of害怕hear of聽說(hear from sb.收到某人的來信)of cause=certainly當然可以plenty of=a lot of許多

11.by the way順便說by oneself單獨,獨自by the end of到…為至

by the time(引起時間狀語從句)到…的時候one by one依次

by air/plane乘飛機by bus/train/car乘公共汽車/火車/轎車

(catch a bus趕公交車get on/off the bus上/下車take a bus to…=go to…by bus乘車去)

12.do/try one’s best盡力do one’s homework做家庭作業(yè)do(the/some)shopping購物

do the cooking烹飪do some cleaning打掃

do the/some washing洗衣服do sport做運動do with sb/sth.處理well done干得好

13.early in the morning一大早in the early spring初春in my early days我幼年時期early bus早班車

14.make a contribution to貢獻給、捐獻make a telephone call to sb./ring sb.up/give sb.a call/phone sb.給某人打電話connect…to…把…與…連接起來be close to靠近(某地)

give birth to生(孩子)lose to sb輸給sb.

15.either…or…或者…或者..on either side of the stree t街道任何一邊

(on each side of the street街道每一邊on both sides of the street街道兩邊)

16.keep doing sth.不停地做某事(表示狀態(tài)繼續(xù))keep on doing sth.堅持做某事(表示動作反復進行)practise doing sth.練習做某事enjoy doing sth.喜歡做某事

finish doing sth.做完某事go on doing sth.繼續(xù)做某事(同一件事)

17.go on to do sth.接著做某事(另一事)go straight along沿著…一直往前走

go down下降,go for a walk散,go over復習go shopping買東西,go to the cinema去看電影

go well進展順利,go off to動身前往,go out外出,go to work去上班,go up上升,

want a go想試一試

18.think about考慮(think of認為、想起、考慮、想到think over仔細考慮think out想出)

talk about談論,worry about擔心,How/What about…?…怎么樣?

19.borrow…from…從…借….(lend…to…把…借給…)from door to door挨家挨,

from time to time時時from now on從今以后from then on從那以后

be different from與…不同learn…from…向…學習

20.get dressed穿衣get into進入get/be lost丟失get off/on下/上車

get on well with sb.與某人相處得好get out of從…出來get ready for+n.為…做準備get ready to do sth.準備做某事get/go to sleep(fall asleep)入睡(be asleep睡著)get warm變曖get well康復get a chance有機會、得到機會

21.look for尋找wait for等候look after=take care of照看look like看起來像

look over檢查,復習look out小心,從里向外看look the same看起來一樣

look up向上看,查單詞,look around環(huán)視look forward to期望look through溫習,檢查

22.set off出發(fā)、動身put off推遲keep off避開、不靠近…drop off放下(某物)

turn off關jump off跳離,take off脫(衣)(飛機)起飛

23.half a kilo半千克half an hour半小時in half分成兩半half of the day半天

24.do eye exercises做眼保健操do morning exercises做早操

take(more)exercise(多)參加體育鍛煉an exercise book練習本588.es

25.take part in參加hand in上交in hospital住院in surprise吃驚地in the sun在陽光下in trouble處于困境in a minute/moment馬上

26.leave for…動身去某地

27.feed on以…為主食live on繼續(xù)活著base on以…為根據(jù)carry on堅持、繼續(xù)下去and so on等等on the other hand另一方面on foot步行

28.be famous for以..著名be excited about+n./V-ing對…感到興奮be interested in對…感興趣be born出生be busy with sth.—be busy doing sth.忙于…be amazed at對..感到驚訝

29.make sure確信make a dialogue編對話make a mistake犯錯誤by mistake由于疏忽make a noise吵鬧make faces做鬼臉make friends(with)和..交朋友make room for給..讓地方make tea沏茶make money賺錢make a decision作出決定

30.used to do sth過去常常做某事be used to doing sth.習慣于做某事

31.forget to do sth.忘記做某事encourage sb.to do sth.鼓勵某人做某事

decide to do sth.決定做某事allow sb.to do sth.允許某人做某事

32.hear sb.to do(doing)sth.聽見某人做某事

33.help sb.(to)do sth.//help sb.with sth.幫助某人做某事with one’s help在某人的幫助下with pleasure樂意

34.in the first第一for the first time第一次at first起初a firs t language母語first of all首先

35.leave a message for sb.給某人留條give/take sb.a message給某人捎口信

36.take photos/pictures照像take away拿走take out取出work out算出

take care當心take medicine服藥take one’s temperature量體溫

take one’s time別著急take a walk散步take place發(fā)生

37.learn by oneself/teach oneself自學learn by heart背熟

38.have a try嘗試,努力try out嘗試、試驗find out/about找出,查明have a good/wonderful/great/time玩得開心have a(bad)cold(重)感冒have a meeting/walk/watch開會/散步/比賽have sports進行體育活動

have nothing/sth.to do with與..無(有)關have no idea不知道


39.win first prize獲一等獎

40.all over the world=around the world=throughout the world全世界

41.all kinds of各種各樣的



43.not only…but also…不但…而且,both…and……和…都

44.the more,the better越多越好

52.all one’s life一生

53.as soon as一…就…as soon as possible盡可能早地、盡快as well=too也

as much as至多as little as至少regard…as把…當作…as if好像

54.no matter無論…

55 ever since從那以后,此后一直

56.so far到目前為止or so大約

57.three times a week一周三次

58.the number of…的數(shù)量a(large/good)number of/large numbers of/many許多

59.less than少于less and less越來越少


61.feel like+n./V-ing想要would like to想要

62.wash away沖走run away逃跑take away帶走

63.before long不久long before/ago很久以前for long=for a long time長期

no longer=not..any longer不再

64.more or less=about或多或少大約more than=over多于,超過

65.every year每年every four years每隔四年every other day每隔一天

66.next to緊挨著next door隔壁,鄰居next year明年next time下次

67.receive/get/have a letter from sb.=hear from sb收到某人的來信

68.on show=on display展覽588.es

69.be filled with/be full of充滿…

70.thank to=because of由于

71.some day=one day(將來)某一天all day終日day and night日日夜夜

in a day or two一兩天內in the old days從前,舊社會from day to day(day after day)日復一日the day before yesterday前天the day after tomorrow后天Tree Planting Day植樹節(jié)Women’s Day婦女節(jié)

72.keep/stop/prevent…(from)doing sth.防止(阻止)…做某事stop to do sth.停下來去做某事stop doing sth.停止做某事

73.a place(places)of interest名勝

74.credit card信用卡

75.point at/to指向

76.by sea=by ship乘船by the sea=on the sea在海邊at sea在海上

77.set one’s mind to do sth.一心想做某事

78.See you!再見You see.你知道你明白,你瞧Let me see.讓我想想see sb.Off給某人送行see a/the doctor看病see sb.do/doing sth.看見某人做某事

79 some…others一些(人,物)…其他(人,物)one…another一個..另一個(三者或以上)one…the other一個…另一個(總數(shù)二個)

80.be worn out穿舊,磨壞check out核實,檢查write out寫出

take sth.out of從…拿出/取出某物

81.in this way用這種方法in a few year’s time幾年以后in space在太空

in and out of class在課內課外in the last fifteen minutes在最后十五分鐘里

in the second half在下半場later in one’s life在某人后半身in the air在空中

in the open air在戶外

82.have been to去過某地have gone to到某地去了

93.be far behind+某人(He is far behind others.他落后于別人)

94.one of+adj.最高級+復數(shù)名詞

95.take+某物+with+某人(You’d better take an umbrella with you.你最好帶上雨傘)

96.prefer to=like…better than寧愿,更喜歡prefer+V-ing(to do sth.)(I prefer doing(to do)it myself.我喜歡自己做那件事).

Would/should等情態(tài)動詞+prefer+不定式.(I would prefer to do it myself.我寧愿自己做那件事),prefer+名詞(v-ing)+to+名詞(v-ing)(I prefer learning English to playing football.我愿意學英語而不愿踢足球);588.es

prefer+不定式(名詞)+rather than+不帶to的不定式,(I prefer to walk there rather than go by bus.我喜歡走著去那里,而不愿乘車),

prefer+名詞(代詞)to do sth.(We prefer her not to come.我們寧愿她不來)

97.人+spend+time(money)+(in)doing sth.(I spent over two hours(in)finishing my homework.我花了兩個多小時完成家庭作業(yè).),人+spend+time(money)+on+名詞,(He spent 1,000 on the TV set.他花了一千元買電視機).人+pay+money+for+sth.(He p aid ten yuan for the book.他花了10元錢買那本書.)It+takes(will take,/took…)+sb.+time(money)+to do sth.(It’ll take you only ten minutes to get there by bus.乘車去那里只花你10分鐘).物+cost+(sb.)+money,(The dictionary cost me 20 yuan.我花20元錢買了那本詞典)

98.do with+sb./sth.(What have you done with the pork?那些肉你怎么處理了?)

99.mind+if從句,(Do you mind if I open the window?我開窗你不反對吧?)mind+V-ing,(Would you mind turning on the TV?打開電視你不反對吧?)

100.what…for?/why…?(What do you learn English for?=Why do you learn English?)

101.need+名詞(v-ing),(The students need some help.學生們需要幫助.This pair of shoes needs mending.這雙鞋需要修理)

102.“be used for+名詞(v-ing),”被用來做..(A writing brush is used for writing.)“be used as+名詞”,被作為…使用(English is used as the first language in none of these countries.)“be used by+動作執(zhí)行者”,被…使用

103.be made of由…制造(This table is made of wood.這張課桌是木制的)

be made from由…制成(This kind of paper is made from wood.這種紙是用木材制成的)

be made in+地點,“某地制造”(These cars are made in Germany)

be made by+人,“由誰制造的”(This kite is made by Kate.)

104.more developed countries發(fā)達國家less developed countries不發(fā)達國家

developing countries發(fā)展中國家

105.be worth+money(V-ing),值…錢.值得做…This car is worth more than two million yuan in China.This book is well worth reading.這本書很值得一讀.

106.the Summer Palace頤和園Tian’anmen Square天安門廣場the Palace Museum故宮the Great Hall of the People人民大會堂the Temple of Heaven天壇

the Great Green Wall綠色長城PLA中國人民解放軍PRC中華人民共和國

the Party中國共產(chǎn)黨the League共青團Peking Opera京劇

107.so+形/副+that從句(The place is so cold that nothing can grow in winter.這地方太冷,冬天什么都不長)so+many/few+復數(shù)名詞+that從句(He has so many books that I don’t know which one to borrow.他有那么多書,我不知道借哪一本)

so+much/little+不可數(shù)名詞+that從句(She has so little money that she can’t buy anything.她錢太少,什么也買不到.)

so+形容詞+a/an+單數(shù)名詞+that從句(This is so good a book that all of us like reading it),such+a/an+形容詞+單數(shù)名詞+that從句(This is such an interesting story that all of us like it),such+形容詞+復數(shù)名詞+that從句.such+形容詞+不可數(shù)名詞+that從句(It is such fine weather today that many children are playing outside)

108.tell sb about sth.告訴某人關于某事tell sb+從句tell sb.to do sth.讓某人做某事

tell a lie說謊tell a story講故事thank you for+n./V-ing謝謝你

…too+adj./adv.+to+v.太…而不能too much(修飾名詞)太多,過分

much too(修飾adj./adv.)太

109.hope/wish+不定式(或從句),wish sb.to do sth.What do you mean by…?=What does…mean?…是什么意思?


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